Colton and Angel's Engagement Shoot

  • Date Jan 27, 2013
Colton and Angel met at Bethany College, and after two years, they find themselves engaged. I was thrilled when they asked me to be their photographer for their engagement photos. Sunday was a snowy day, but they were set on powering through the weather. Through cold hands and wet clothes, they still made it look effortless. 
I aimed for a different theme/emotion to be portrayed at each location.
1) Playful/Fun - outside near the school.
2) Pensive/Content/Safe - at the Hepburn church where they are getting married.
3) Romantic - by the grain elevator, which was part of their engagement date.

This "theme" approach didn't seem to limit the range of emotion that they achieved at every location. Each place had shots that were fun, content, and romantic. But having a direction is still nice, with questions and things to think about to help the couple feel natural. And they kept it very natural.
Some quotes from the shoot include:
"How do I know she's the one? She just puts up with all of me" - Colton
"One time we went GEO-caching for a date... we only found one of the 7 caches. Even though it was one of the dates that went the most wrong, it was also one of the most memorable" - Angel. They really like to make things special for each other.. but even when it doesn't work out they have a great time.
In the end, I think it was one of the best shoots I've been apart of. They are a wonderful couple and it was so exciting to photograph them as they venture into a new life together. 


Anonymous said...


Always, Adriana said...

Congratulations. May your lives be full of laughter. And love. Always Love.